世界激安・高品質のケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備 _uhf connector_RF Connector_仕入れ_RF Connector |RF Antenna OEM - Hantechnicをメーカー・サプライヤーから直送!RF コネクタ|connector仕入れの専門サイト。個人・法人の購入代行&転送に関する総合サービスを提供しております。

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    inquiry line で相談する ID @iyr1308p
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    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: Fmuser モデル番号: FU-518A-500W(20)
    Working frequency: UHF 13-48 channel arbitrary choice Output power: 500w Output impedance: 50Ohm
    VSWR of output load impedance: ≤1.12 Inter-modulation distortion: ≤-50dB Power supply: 220V
    Video frequency input level: 1VP-P positive polarity Video frequency input impedance: 75Ohm Shape size: 1600mm*600mm*950mm
    Weight: 150KG


    包装: サイズ: 1600mm*600mm*950mmの重み: 150kg梱包材: ハードウッド


       500W Analog UHF cable tv transmitter  Long cover range wireless tv connector A3    


    TV transmitter is main part of the TV station .A TV transmitter is a device which broadcasts an

    electromagnetic signal to the TV receivers,TV transmitters may be analog or digital.Long cover range wireless tv connector

    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ
    Different standard TV transmitter .the "cover range" will decide which sandard RF power TV tranmitter you use.Long cover range wireless tv connector
    TV Transmitter and Antenna System.TV transmitter must work with tower and antenna system,then finish the signal broadcasting.Long cover range wireless tv connector



    The Whole TV Transmitter System


    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ


     Long cover range wireless tv connector


    Proposal of TV transmitter & Antenna system for TV Sation


    Cover RangeTV transmitterAntenna        
    Total cost Tower height(reference)
    10KMFU-518A-50W4-UHF-Slot AntennaUSD506630M
    20KMFU-518A-300W4-UHF-Slot AntennaUSD809035M
    30KMFU-518A-1KW8-UHF-Slot AntennaUSD1447750M



    TV transmitter       
    AntennaTotal costTower height(reference)



    FU-518D-50W4-UHF-Slot AntennaUSD1509630M



    FU-518D-1KW6-UHF-Slot AntennaUSD7087930M

     Long cover range wireless tv connector









     Long cover range wireless tv connector


    500W Analog UHF cable tv transmitter  A3



    10KW TV Transmitter   


      professional VHF/UHF TV transmitter for TV stations,


    hot-plug,double exciters changeover automatically(optional),switch power source.


    Frequency:  VHF/UHF
    System:       PAL/SECAM/NTSC
    Compatible: Digital/analog
    Structure:     Hot plug
    High reliability
    Low cost


    This transmitter has a variety of linear and non-linear pre-correction function, carrier frequency offset, and precision bias (with external precision reference source) function.
    It can prefabricate and control the half-power output, and it has remote control telemetry interface.
    The power amplifier used LDMOS FET, the analog and digital are both compatible, and it used high-quality switch parallel power.
    The power amplifier and power supply are both used hot-plug devices.
    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ
    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ The power loss and standing wave of the one-time synthesis power combiner is small.
    The module of power amplifier display the working parameters in real-time.
    The whole machine has the protection of over-current, over temperature, over power and over-standing wave ratio.
    The master touch screen displays the working parameters of the whole machine and the module of power amplifier (PA) in real-time.
    The 500W TV transmitter is installed in one 19inch chassis; it's suitable for medium or small TV station.
     Long cover range wireless tv connector Long cover range wireless tv connector




    Technical Specifications:


    Overall performances:
    1.       Working frequency:                          UHF 13~48 Channel Arbitrary choice
    2.       Output power:                                  10KW (Synchronous)
    3.       Output impedance:                           50Ω
    4.       VSWR of output load impedance:     ≤1.12
    5.       Inter-modulation distortion:                ≤-50dB
    6.       Useless transmission:                         In adjacent channel≤-40dB
                                                                          Out adjacent channel≤-60dB
    7.       RF output interface:                           Φ80
    8.       Power supply:                                   Three-phase 380V  
    Image performance:

    1. Video frequency input level:              1VP-P positive polarity
    2. Video frequency input impedance:   75Ω
    3. DG:                                                       ±8%
    4. DP:                                                       ±7°
    5. Luminance nonlinear:                         ≤12%

    Sound performance:
    1.    Audio input level:                        0dBm±6dB2.    Audio input impedance:              10KΩ (imbalance)                                                                600Ω (Balance)3.    Maximum frequency deviation:   ±50KHz4.    Harmonic distortion:                   ≤1%5.    The amplitude frequency characteristics: ±1dB6.    Signal-to -clutter:                        ≥60dB


     Long cover range wireless tv connector



    Manufacture work shop


    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ
    We have modernization of the factory . You are welcome to visit our factory when you come to China.

     Long cover range wireless tv connector



    Buying Tips


    How far(long) the transmitter cover?




    The transmission range depends on many factors. The true distance is based on the antenna installing height , antenna gain,  using environment like building and other obstructions , sensitivity of the receiver, antenna of the receiver . Installing antenna more high and using in the countryside , the distance will much more far.



    What is the height of the Antenna Tower ,could you show us the position of the tower on Google Map ?


    We will check your Antenna tower position on the Google map ,and the height of the tower will determin the antenna which match your situation ,so that we can also confirm the largest cover range .



    What is your budget for the TV station?



    we will offer you different proposal according to your budget .



     Long cover range wireless tv connector



    Fmuser company






    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ



    Fair in HK


    This is our participation in 2012 Global Sources Hong Kong Electronics Fair . Customers from all over the world finally have a chance to get together.


     Long cover range wireless tv connector


    Global Customers


    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ
     At present , there are already 1095 customers around the world visited our Guangzhou Tianhe office . If you come to China , you are welcome to visit us .




    Visit FMuser


    You can search this numbers " 23.127460034623816,113.33224654197693 " in google map , then you can find our fmuser office



    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ仕入れ・メーカー・工場 ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ

     Long cover range wireless tv connector

    ケーブルtv送信機アナログ500wuhf長いa3カバー範囲ワイヤレスtvコネクタ-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備 _uhf connector_RF Connector_仕入れ_RF Connector |RF Antenna OEM - Hantechnic
    ダイポールfm波fmuserDP1001/2専門のアンテナのためのgsmのアンテナで0-150wmmcxオスコネクタ-テレビアンテナ問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り Fmuser1/4gp100を簡単にインストールされているラジオ波プロtransmitter+8メートルrfアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り 波1/4fmusergp100をプロの低電力fmアンテナケーブルbnctransmitter+8メートル/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り プロのfm波1/4fmusergp100をbncまたはnjtransmitter+8メートルアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り 波プロ1/4fmusergp100を便利に調整したfmアンテナケーブルbnctransmitter+8メートル/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り
    Fmuser1/4gp100を専門のfmラジオ波100wtransmitter+8メートルアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り Fmusergp100を1/4波プロgp1-100wtransmitter+8メートルfmアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り プロのfm波fmusergp100を1/41/4波antenatransmitter+8メートルケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り 折られた1/4fmusergp100を波プロgptransmitter+8メートルfmアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り 波1/4fmusergp100をプロのfmトランスミッタ7wtransmitter+8メートルアンテナケーブルbnc/nj/tncコネクタ- rc1-ラジオ、テレビ放送設備問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り