世界激安・高品質のIpc95/6abc絶縁ピアスコネクタ-コネクタ _DIN_RF Connector_仕入れ_RF Connector |RF Antenna OEM - Hantechnicをメーカー・サプライヤーから直送!RF コネクタ|connector仕入れの専門サイト。個人・法人の購入代行&転送に関する総合サービスを提供しております。

メール:[email protected] 東京:(03)5256-7550 大阪:(06)6120-2370

    現在の位置:ホーム » 仕入れ » RF Connector » DIN »


    最低発注量: 3000 Pieces

    inquiry line で相談する ID @iyr1308p
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    原産地: 中国(本土) 適用: 銘柄: jmaep
    モデル番号: jmaep タイプ: DIN 性: 女性
    ipc: 絶縁ピアスコネクタ


    包装: 内側のボックス、 外箱


    Insulation Piercing Connectors for ABC

     (insulation piercing connector,suspension clamp,aerial network)


    JMAEP   ref.IPC95/35


    Messager size: Run: 95-4sqmm  Tap:10-1.5sqmm


    JMAs IPC (Insulation Piercing Connectors) are used to tap off low voltage XLPE insulated Aerial Bundled Cable (ABC), using a unique insulation piercing technique.


    Designed for all weather applications, corrosion resistant, ease of installation and low cost.

    Connections can be made fully live in minutes, without time- consuming crimping, applying insulation or sealing compound.


    Body moulded from tough, resilient, glass filled nylon for long service life exposed to weather (particularly sunlight) and is rounded to prevent damage to adjacent conductors.


    Extra hard copper contact teeth cut through insulation without splitting and ensure proper penetration into the conductor and electrical continuity without sacrificing the mechanical strength of the conductor.

    Copper teeth ensure compatibility with aluminium/copper conductor and will not deteriorate due to stress corrosion.

    Rubber seals and grease prevent moisture entering the cable for longterm performance.

    End caps provided are used to seal the end of the branch core.

    Suitable for Aluminium and Copper.

    Ipc95/6abc絶縁ピアスコネクタ-コネクタ _DIN_RF Connector_仕入れ_RF Connector |RF Antenna OEM - Hantechnic
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